
Describe The Location and Expansion of India

The Location and Expansion of India, Due to the equator, the earth is divided into two parts the northern hemisphere of the earth and The Southern Hemisphere. The location of India is in the northern hemisphere. 

Similarly, with 0 ° line earth, the is divided into two parts that are eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere has given that India’s position is in the Eastern Hemisphere. That is, India’s position on Earth is in the North-Eastern Hemisphere.

Considering the continent of Asia, the continent of Asia is divided into North Asia, West Asia, South Asia, etc., and India is one of the South Asian countries.

The southern part of the Himalayas and the northern part of the Indian Ocean is known as the Indian subcontinent. The Indian subcontinent includes India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.

Location and Expansion of India
  1. The southernmost latitude of India is Extended to Tamilnadu and the northernmost latitude extends up to Jammu & Kashmir. The south-north length of India is 3214 k.m. The latitudinal expansion affects the climate of the country as well as the duration of the day.
  1. eastern latitude (The linear extension) of India is Extended Gujrat to the East longitude (Arunachal Pradesh) The west-east length of India is 2933 k.m.From this, it can be said that the south-north extension of India is more than the west-east extension.

The Highest and Deepest Place in India

  • The highest peak is K2 Godwin Austen – 8611 feet (Jammu & Kashmir)
  • The deepest place is katunada 2.2 feet (Kerala).

Tropic of Cancer

Cancer has passed through the center of India. Therefore, India is divided into two parts, one is the tropics and the other is the temperate tropical zone.

3Madhya Pradesh 
6West Bengal 

The Tropic of Cancer passes through the center of India passes through the following eight states

Area of India

(In regars to Location and Expansion of India)

  • The total area of India is 32,87,263 square kilometers. 
  • it occupies 0.57% of the total area of the earth.
  • India covers 2% of the world’s total area.
  • And ranks seventh in the world after Russia, Canada, the USA, China, Brazil, and Australia.
  • The Country India is four times bigger than Pakistan and eight times bigger than Japan.
  • India covers 73.2% of the total area of the Asian continent and ranks third in Asia in terms of area.
  • it ranks first in terms of the area when considering South Asian countries.
  • Rajasthan alone covers about 10.41% of the total land area of India, while Goa covers only 0.11% of the total land area of India.
  • In terms of area, Andaman and Nicobar have more area than the Indian states of Goa and Sikkim.

a) Territorial and Political Boundaries of India

Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, West Bengal, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripura, Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh, a total of 17 states with a land border of 15,200 k.m. adjoining seven neighboring countries.

The longest land border connected with Bangladesh and the lowest land border connected with Afghanistan.

b) The water boundary of India

From Gujarat (in the west) to West Bengal (in the east) India enjoys a total length of 7,517 km of coastline of the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal.

The Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean, which are part of the Indian Ocean Sea, meet at Kanyakumari in the south of India. The coastline of India is attached to 9 states and 4 Union Territories.

Islands of India
  • Andaman-Nicobar-Bay of Bengal-1285 k.m.
  • Lakshadweep-Arabian Sea-131 k.m.
  • India’s water boundary is connected with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.
  • Andaman and Nicobar Union Territory consists of about 572 islands.
  • Port Blair is the capital of the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar, is located on Andaman Island.

India’s water boundary is further divided into three parts as per UN rules:

  1. Territorial Sea: According to UNO rules, the area up to 12 nautical miles from the base of a country is known as a regional sea area. The area between the baseline and the territorial sea boundary is called the regional sea. India has full control over this area.
  2. Contiguous Zone: According to UNO rules, the area up to 24 nautical miles from the base of a country is known as Contiguous Zone. The Government of India has the following rights in this area 1. customs rights 2. pollution regulation and control rights 3. Fiscal rights.
  3. Exclusive Economic Zone: The Exclusive Economic Zone of India ranges from the baseline to 400 nautical miles. India has a 2.37 million square kilometers area and in this area, India is engaged in scientific research, marine survey, and The right to create new islands.

[1 nautical mile =1.85200 kilometers]

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